Next weeks story I Told You I’d Buy You Any-thing You Wanted So You Asked For a Submarine Fleet by Owen Booth
Rated Explicit for Language
Are you excited for the Literary Roadhouse bookclub? It will be a monthly bookclub and our first novel is… The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood! You can get your copy here. We’ll be reading the book through November/December and the first episode will be the first Friday in January which just happens to be New Years Day. So grab a copy, and tweet along with #LRHBookclub
Aw, so Rammy’s second story was another Parable. This one from the 19 century French writer Guy de Maupassant. He is know for his twist endings and is an important part of literary history. Rammy loved the story, Anais and Gerald liked it, and despite her love of long sentences and dusty lit Maya hated it. Oh and if you want to see just how crazy this podcast can get… I suggest watching the end of the live video recording for Rammy’s precious “I’m waiting you to stop with the snarky comments.” lmao
Don’t forget to rate the story! For the history of our goofy system, see Anais’ post “Read Short Stories or Ray Bradbury Cries.” On a scale of 1-6 Bradberries, how do you rate The Necklace? Tell us in the comments below or via voicemail, and we will give the final tally on the next episode.
Read the story of Guy De Maupassant after a long time. He was a great writer. He wrote masterpieces in English literature. I am also looking for his other books.
You folks need to learn to lighten up a little.
Ah, but seriously folks …
I read this story back in high school (about the time it was first published. Ta dum!), and wasn’t overly excited about it back then. But enjoyed the podcast, and learned more about Adele than I ever wanted to know.
My main complaint about this story, as I recall (from back in the Dark Ages) was that it was all build up, and then one knock out punch at the end. It’s a one trick pony, and that pretty much kills any interest after the first reading. Like all of you, I didn’t bother to read it again. Oh, the necklace is paste. Huh, never saw that coming.
You all mined it for about all that the story was worth, so I don’t have anything to add.
I would just like to say Solidarité to the people of France.
lol, if we got any lighter me might float away ala Mary Poppins. It is good to see you on the blog again! I really tried to enjoy this story. I tried so hard but it just didn’t translate for me at all.
Rammy is leading this week’s game, so you may learn yet more about Adele. One can only dream. 😉