Discussion Notes: Milkman

In January we read Milkman by Anna Burns.

Next month we will read Exit West by Mohsin Hamid.

Rated: Adult Themes, Clean-ish Language

Gerald, Anais, and Colette discuss the 2018 Booker prize winner Milkman by Anna Burns. This challenging book examines gender, tribalism, the power of rumor, shame, and violence during The Troubles of the 1970s in what is presumably Belfast. As many reviewers before us have said, the prose can be difficult to read in long sittings. So we start there, get the complaints out of the way, then dive into all the rich storytelling, insights, and plot tendrils embedded in this breathtaking novel.

We apologize for audio issues. Colette’s professional microphone had to be sent to the manufacturer to be replaced, and in the meantime we rolled the dice on a gaming headset, and the bet didn’t quite pan out, but it’s worth it for her invaluable insights and comments.

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