Discussion Notes: Laughing and Turning Away
Find this week’s story here: Laughing and Turning Away by Patrick Holloway
Next week’s story: Marry the Sea by Marie-Helene Bertino
Rated: Clean
The Literary Roadhouse hosts, sans Maya, discuss the second place winner of Carve Magazine’s Fall 2017 Raymond Carver Contest, “Laughing and Turning Away” by Patrick Holloway. Gerald loved the story, while Rammy led the podcast with the feint praise ‘competently written.’ Anais grappled with the parts of the story she didn’t like, while highlighting commentary on Brazilian and machismo culture that she found insightful. The hosts discuss whether or not the difference between the protagonist and the author led to the distance between the reader and protagonist as well.
Did we miss a crucial piece of this story? Tell us below! Or on Twitter @litroadhouse or on our Facebook page.
Also, don’t forget to rate the story! For the history of our goofy system, see Anais’ post “Read Short Stories or Ray Bradbury Cries.” On a scale of 1-6 Bradberries, how do you rate this story? Tell us in the comments below or via voicemail.
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Very interesting to hear your thoughts on the story.
Thank you for listening and thank you for writing! We’d love to read more of your work. 🙂