Discussion Notes: Depth Perception

Find this week’s story here: Depth Perception by Laura M. Gibson.

Next week’s story: Mastiff by Joyce Carol Oates.

Rated: Adult themes, but does not contain explicit language.

This week Maya, Gerald, Anais, and Rammy rave about Laura M. Gibson’s Depth Perception. In a rare feat, all four hosts loved the short story. Gerald enjoyed the vivid descriptions and simple language, while Maya appreciated the loving descriptions of gruff man. As for Rammy, the pacing heightened the tension in just the right places, whereas Anais took notice of the symbols and motifs.

As a whole, all four hosts agree that this short story packed a punch like a novel. Interestingly, neither the romances nor the deaths felt over sentimental. Maya thinks Gibson follows in the tradition of Annie Proulx. Do you agree?

Did we miss a crucial piece of this story? Tell us below!

Also, don’t forget to rate the story! For the history of our goofy system, see Anais’ post “Read Short Stories or Ray Bradbury Cries.” On a scale of 1-6 Bradberries, how do you rate this story? Tell us in the comments below or via voicemail.

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