The Diamond as Big as the Ritz | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Literary Roadhouse Ep 134
Discussion Notes: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
Find this week’s story here: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Next week’s story: Passage by Kevin Jared Hosein
Rated: Clean
And then there were two… Rammy’s got married recently and was on his honeymoon during the recording of this episode. Hooray, Rammy! Maya’s been dealing with some computer trouble. And so Gerald and Anais bravely soldier on, tackling a 15k+ word story on their own. Thankfully they both loved the colorful, decadent, and twisted plot of “The Diamond as Big as the Ritz” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. They analyze the prose, characters, and themes, and reflect on how the use of absurdity played right into Fitzgerald’s greater commentary on wealth.
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