Free Short Story Resources

1. List of Stories Featured on the Podcast

The stories are all available online for free at the time of recording. Here is a list of all the stories we have read. If a link no longer works, you may find the story through a google search, your library and frequently in Amazon if it was included in an anthology.

2. Magazines & Journals with Free Short Stories

The New Yorker has launched many literary greats. Lucky for us, a large number of short stories and poems are available on their website.

Carve Magazine, has been publishing honest fiction online and hosting the Raymond Carver Short Story Contest since 2000. Visit their website to read outstanding literary fiction.

Blackbird, an online journal of literature & the arts.

Our Stories is committed to publishing the best fiction on the web. Search their archives for free short stories.

Bare Fiction Magazine publishes creative writing. Their website hosts a few free short stories.

Kenyon Review Online is a Quarterly literary journal through Kenyon College that was founded in 1939.

One Story is an email list that will send you a new short story every three weeks.

Harper’s Magazine I found this resource when I was nosing around for Alice Munro stories. Harper’s Magazine was founded 1850 and is the second oldest continually published magazine in the United States. Surprisingly, they make make short stories available online but you have to use some super search skills to avoid the paid library.

VICE, a print and online magazine focused on art, culture and news, also publishes free short stories online. Follow the link to dig through their archives.

LitStack, for the love of all things wordy, publishes free short stories online. Look under the “ShortStacks” category.

3. Curated Short Story Lists

Open Culture is an excellent resource for free cultural and educational media. I can easily spend hours finding great stories, poems and interesting articles on open culture.

American Literature Short Story Library is on online resource containing thousands of short stories across genre including curated lists and many classics.

Arts.Mic has done the work for you with this lovely blog post 14 Brilliant Pieces of Literature You Can Read In The Time It Takes To Eat Lunch. In addition to a list of 14 short stories available for free online, they tell you a bit about the authors.

East of the Web is a great archive covering all kinds of short stories for fee.

Classic Short Stories A great searchable list of classic short stories.

Project Gutenberg is apart of a huge project to make ebooks available for free. It’s also one of the few large short story collections with english translations of stories from all over the world including African, Asian and Russian short stories.

Feedbook in addition to many free books, Feedbook has a huge repository of public domain short stories form all over the world.

The Eserver Collection is oldie but goody. It doesn’t have a lot of short stories but it has many that are unique. I highly recommend taking a wander through their list.

Short Story Archive is a great resource especially if you search by author. The website looks very old school but the author list is impressive.

4. Our Favorite Literary Podcasts